Indulge in Holiday Delights, Minus the Guilt!

The holiday season is a time for indulgence, joy, and celebration, but it can also bring along the worry of compromising your health and fitness goals. As a seasoned professional athlete, I've learned that there's always a way to enjoy the flavors of the season without the unwanted side effects. 

Introducing our cookbook, a treasure trove of nostalgic childhood cookie recipes that will transport you back to the heartwarming holiday moments, all while keeping your health in check. These cookies are not only irresistibly delicious but also low in calories, high in protein, keto-friendly, and gluten-free. It's the perfect fusion of taste and wholesome choices that will help you stay on the right track throughout the festive season, without any unnecessary restrictions. 

Inside this cookbook, you'll discover a delightful collection of 12 high-protein cookie recipes that will make your taste buds dance with delight.

This cookbook is your ultimate guilt-free ticket to enjoying the holiday season like never before. You won't find a better option to satisfy your sweet cravings while keeping your health and wellness goals intact.

Order your copy today and savor the holidays without compromise. It's time to indulge in the magic of the season, minus the side effects!

Product information


Quick program answers to help you find your vibe

Are all the programs the same?

No. While they are all built with the same goal in mind, to help you get fit and strong, they are not all the same. Different programs apply the methodology in ways the result in slightly different physiques.

what apps are the programs available on?

Alpha Babe programming is available on TRAIN HEROIC and BEYOND THE WHITEBOARD. Just click the button under the program for the app you prefer and you are on your way.

what about the shred?

The SHRED is a 30-Day challenge that uses our Alpha Babe programming. The challenge provides you with more nutritional support, sets goals, and adjustments in our community Facebook group to help you achieve your goals.

i just had a baby or am coming back from an injury. is alpha babe right for me?

Absolutely. Our programs have been used by new moms, expecting moms, and athletes returning to action from all over. Camille's experience as an athlete, mother, and scientist has led her on a journey to help women train and make adjustments that account for unique hormonal changes experienced by women.

i do crossfit or orange theory but want to lean out a bit more or add some muscle. Are the Alpha Babe programs a good fit?

Yes. All of our programs can be done alongside other training methodologies so you can still enjoy going to classes while accomplishing your physique goals.

What kind of equipment do I need?

That is one of the great things about our programs. You can do it with minimal equipment like a barbell, plates, dumbbells, bands, and a squat rack. Our Flow Babe program even focuses on using mostly bodyweight with resistance bands and other super light equipment.

i have a gym. do you offer affiliate programming?

We hear this question all the time and the short answer is yes. Our goal is to service those gyms that are looking for something extra to provide their members with. So we like to sit down and have a call to uncover what you need, how to deliver it to your members, and provide yourself with a new, sustainable revenue stream as well as something exciting your members will love.